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Revised Land Use Map for Coral Township!

  • Come to the Coral Township Meeting on Wednesday October 9th at 7:00
  • Learn about the revisions being proposed for the map and the newly drafted language to support the map. 
  • Residents are encouraged to attend and give input. 
  • Questions contact: Laurie Cisneros at

Tour the Marengo-Union Pollinator Gardens

In March of 2022, Coral TS joined other cities and villages in McHenry County by pledging to establish a native plant garden to help monarch butterfly and pollinator conservation. A pollinator garden has been started around the TS fuel shed and along the wooden fence line. The garden will be developed over 4 phases. The first phase was bed prep (fall 2021). The second phase (spring 2022) was the bed build-up and the planting of donated native plants. The third phase (fall/winter 2022) will be the seeding of natives in the garden and the fourth phase (spring 2023) will be the planting of natives along the fence.

We’d like to thank Lechner Topsoil soil for donating the topsoil which allowed us to build-up the beds around the buidling.

Laurie Cisneros is overseeing the garden and Renee Hill is spearheading our efforts on Facebook. If you’d like to help in this awesome cause contact Laurie at